My bread machine shit itself a little while ago and was basically overcooking every loaf, so I started using it as basically a dough machine. I took the heap back and now I've decided to buy a Kitchenaid stand mixer.

I'm fzcking nuts! This thing is $400. But it's sooooo cool! And I can make 6 loaves of bread at a time instead of just one.... (Cath, you're going to have to come over and help me out with some of that!) Cookie dough will be really easy now... just wait till little Maren can eat them!
So can anyone please explain to me what the hell I need a honkin 450 watt commercial stand mixer for? Honestly? I need a little help justifying that to myself.
6 at a time???
i love me some bread!
Yup, 6. I need to buy more loaf pans.
I won't be making any pumpernickle for you, though - you'll just wind up running around smacking people with them.
You need to get one because I want one and you need to be cool like me. :)
Cool like you? I must admit that you are cool, but you aren't quite as cool as me. At least, not until you get a Thing of your own. But you're too much of a Easterner Big City Girl for that. So then when I get my Kitchenaid, then you will have two rungs of coolness to make up. :P