Monday, March 28, 2005

You can't tell me that is sexy.

OK< some people need help. I was at the gym tonight after work, and as I'm on the machines, I see something wierd. There's a girl on the stair machine, whose arms are so thin I could have put my hand around them. No bicep, no tricep, no NOTHING. Not just skinny, scary. So I look a little closer. She's probably mid twenties or so. She looks like she used to be pretty, except that her face now looks hollow. It's like she went from fat, right through phat, now she's at freak. Seriously anorexic. As I was looking at her, I saw she had pretty tight pants on, normally that's a fringe benefit for a guy at the gym... I can tell she is wearing a thong, but I can see the line from it quite clearly going down, all the way under her pelvis... All the way. It does not disapper between the cheeks, because there are no cheeks. Her ass is gone. She's pounding the stair machine into submission, then she goes over to the weight machines and start working her legs some more. I could tell from the tight pants that her legs were in the same shape as her arms. She looked like an ethiopian poster child. Holy shit! Has she started believeing the cosmo mags about how you have to be super thin? Have any of these people who publish those magazines ever asked a normal, average, straight guy what looks sexy? It ain't that, let me tell you! I used to run around a little with a girl who was really skinny... not this bad, but still too skinny. It is not nearly as much fun to have sex with girls like that, because there is nothing but bony painful spots where there should be graceful and intriguing curves. The best part of a woman is that she isn't a man! She should have curves, men shouldn't. If I thought that girls like that were sexy, I'd just hump a fence post - same effect. This chick had no curves at all. Straight line from shoulder to knee (except where there were bones sticking out.) I would not date a woman like that. I would not have sex with a woman like that. It's not natural, it's not right, it's not healthy. This chick that I was seeing back in the day got a little more meat on her bones, she grew some curves, and her boobs got bigger. She got sexier. This chick tonight at the gym, I don't think she will live much longer before the anorexia kills her.


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