Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I was going to go to the gym tonight. Honest.

I kinda feel like I need a workout, but I'm too tired after work and I need to get some supper first. This would be a good night to get pizza, but I promised myself not fast food or eating out! Need to put some more cash in the toybox so I can amuse myself later this summer.

Good news cash wise: I am tired tonight because I had to work 2 hours of OT. Which means that the govenment will take it all, and then some extra, and put it to some worthy cause like the Quebec sponsorship ad scam, or maybe the $2 billion gun registry (so the Hells angles have a shopping list of all the guns in the country to steal, especially since criminals are not required to register their illegally imported weapons and now that they and other organised crime/criminal enterprises have comprimised the registry (which is known to the RCMP) they just have to go down the list and pick what they like, and then go steal it!) But I'm not bitter. Not in the least. The government knows much better how to spend my money! Much more useful in some liberal hack's swiss account than in my pocket, "Thanks for taking the time out of your day to make that contibution!"

I want to win the lottery and I'll buy a few of the islands that will be created when the big mofo earthquake hits and BC is moved from the continent North America, over to Atlantis. Then I'll declare independance and my fishing boat will be the Coast guard and Navy, my homebuilt airplanes will be my very own air force, and I'll let the gardener be the army in his time off. Then I won't have to pay any taxes! If anything, as soon as I say I'm going to declare independance, the federal government will start shucking money at me.

Did any of that make any sense at all?

Me either.

Whatever, I'm going to go get some supper.


At 16/2/05 18:04, Blogger sassymonkey said...

Hmm anti-liberal...please tell me that you did vote for Klein or Harper...PLEASE!

At 16/2/05 22:06, Blogger Kyle said...

I am a certified redneck, gun-totin, pickup driving pinko hater. However my vote stays between me and the ballot box. Nothing personal. :)

It dosen't matter really, in the last election(s) around here we got to pick from incompetents, morons or mouth breathers. Not a damned one of them deserve to be in office. We should have a "None of the Above" option on the ballot paper!

At 17/2/05 15:27, Blogger sassymonkey said...

That's when you purposely spoil it and write "Ed the Sock for PM!" on it.


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