My mixer is sitting on the counter. I'm nuts for spendiing that much on it, but what the hell. I made bread with it already and it got so air-y that I am pretty sure I over kneaded it by a fair margin. Note to self - this thing works quick!
I am going to make a few batches of cookies tomorrow. I think I'll do a batch of cinnamon buns for breakfast, then make some chocolate chip cookies, and maybe some kind of triple chocolate if I can find a good recipie.
Of course I'll be using said cookies to be an insufferable bastard.... One of the girls at work has been seeing a personal trainer - who put her on a grass and water diet. now, this girl is a known cookie monster, so I am going to drop off a dozen or two just especially for the paint department! She flipped me the bird the other day just for talking about cookies, so I'm thinking that she really dosen't enjoy her new diet.... I'm only trying to be kind and generous by sharing the bounty of the fruits of my mixer.
That's just MEAN.
She's got some kinda serious willpower. She didn't touch the cookies.
I'll have to try brownies next week!