Thursday, September 01, 2005

My lungs are bleeding!

Holy shit, batman.

I did a practice run on the PARE test on tuesday night. I can still feel it in my lungs two days later. Oh my FREAKING god is that ever hard on the body.

The good news is I got an unofficial time of 4:09, comfortably within the limit of 4:45 for new recruits. That is also good considering I did it with the full Constable weights instead of the lighter recruit weights. I will have to shave 10 seconds off my time in order to graduate from Depot but then, my goal is to be at 3:45 before I even go to Regina.

I did this unofficial run to test myself and my preparations thus far, so I could tune up my training before I have to complete the test for real. The testing staff at the college thought I was nuts for doing it voluntarily. I think they're right. So far my training has been a success: 9 years ago (when I applied last time) I could taste blood every time I exhaled for 4 days afterwards. So far I have not tated blood, but it does feel like there is a lot of fluid in my lungs. I didn't do any cardio this morning at the gym because of that beyond a quick 5 minute warmup (that I normally pace myself out to 6 minutes for when I run) but I will have to run tomorrow morning.

A summary of what I learned from this:
a) run more stairs
b) run more intervals
c) pick up the intensity of my Continuous Pace training

A few technique points that were pointed out to me as well is to take the stairs 2 or 3 at a time, to shave off as much as 20 or 30 seconds from my time, vice hitting every stair going up and down. I also need to be more careful during the push/pull stage to avoid losing any time to penalties.

In other news: It has now been 3 1/2 weeks since I wrote the exam. Still no results. Why can't the results come any faster???


At 6/9/05 14:40, Blogger cat said...

you have to run with weights?? GAK! how come rcmp folks don't look all that fit? huh? why don't they look like they had to run with weights? do they not care once you get in? too many timmy ho' trips? :)

At 9/9/05 20:57, Blogger sassymonkey said...

lol. Keep in mind he's going for RCMP - not MUC. ;-) RCMP recruits all look fit when they start...

Kyle - My lungs are bleeding for you. Ow. And my shin splints are starting to hurt just thinking of it...


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