Saturday, December 10, 2005

This has been a real up and down week.

So on monday, I got ahold of Staffing branch in Calgary. To no one's surprise, I am out of limits on my glasses. So my file is on hold for now.

I went to the doctor on tuesday and got a steroid inhaler to clear up my lungs, so I can start running again soon

Wednesday I went to a different optometrist to get a second go at the RCMP, but I'm still out of limits.

Thursday I got a call back from the opthalmic surgeon about getting laser surgery. The RCMP Reference Opthamologist does LASIK surgery, and I have booked a surgery date for February 27th - the day after my birthday. Problem is, I'm not comfortable with LASIK - It's not supposed to be a good idea for people who participate in impact sports (I shoot 10000-15000 rouds a year between pistol and rifle! that's a lot of impacts!) and I just don't like the idea of the "Flap and Zap" I'm going to try to find a PRK surgeon instead, but I'll keep this appointment for now.

Once I have a date finalized for my surgery, the RCMP will send me to interviews, and then I will have to wait 3 months after the surgery to go any further. So rough guess? A year from now I could be entering Depot.


At 12/12/05 19:23, Blogger cat said...

I didn't even know you wore glasses!! I thought you were Pefect Vision Guy.

My optometrist keeps trying to push thr LASIK too, but I can't afford it. I think I might do it if I could.. not sure though. I would love to not have to wear my glasses anymore.

Sorry about the delay ;( Hope this goes ok!!


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