I shot a PPC match last weekend in Lethbridge, and I think I did pretty well!
1st marksman class individual PPC
1st marksman class individual Duty Pistol
1st sharpshooter class team PPC
1st marksman class team Duty Pistol
Some pictures of me in action:

I wan't happy with my score in duty pistol, I thought I did not do nearly as well as I could have, but it was still good enough to win. I shot 1365/1500, or about 15 points off my personal best (1380) that I set at the Red Deer match the weekend previous. My revolver match went much better, I actually set a personal best for that match, even though, or perhaps because, I changed my ammunition to a hotter and faster charge, which seemed to produce better accuracy. Since then though, I actually set a new personal best at leage night last thusday: 1396/1500-30x.
A picture of my duty pistol (Smith & Wesson model 5946, same as the RCMP carry, except mine has a longer barrel to comply with Canadian firearms laws)

A picture of my custom revolver (Smith & Wesson model 10, same as what the RCMP carried for decades before replacement with the 5946; except mine has been very heavily modified for competition use)

I am trading off the 5946 this week for another heavily modified competition pistol, this one will be for a match that I have never fired before, because I have never had the proper equipment. I don't need two 5946s, since the RCMP is going to be thoughtful enough to give me one of my very own (or at least let me borrow it for a while!) this one is surplus to my needs. Thats OK by me, because I don't really care for the Smith & Wesson automatics. They mean well and try hard, but they really ought to stick to revolvers. Their revolvers are the cat's ass. I already have another duty pistol on order, mostly just as a fun pistol since the hard work will be done with the Queen's issue 5946, I am going to get a Sig-Sauer 220R .45 or a Sig-Sauer 226R .40 s&w... Mmmmmm..... Sig! That is what the RCMP just started to buy to replace the 5946 for the tactical teams. Basically the world standard in modern combat pistols as far as I'm concerned. I have been training hard with the 5946, but it's time to get rid of it now. I'll be loving life when I get to training and I have already fired thousands upon thousands of rounds through the exact same model of pistol...
Before I ship it off though, I am going to shoot it one last time, to see where I am relative to the RCMP qualification course... Only difference is that I only have my match ammo for it instead of full power duty ammo that you are supposed to shoot it with, but I am totally not going to spend $75 on ammo just for a shits-and-giggles thing!
Where did u get the extended barrel