My new niece, Maren, was born this morning a little before 5 am mountain time. Mommy and baby are doing well, daddy is expected to recover. :) Maren weighs in at 8 lbs 7 oz.
Pictures to follow when I visit tomorrow.
The disjointed perspective of a new RCMP "Depot" Division Cadet!
My new niece, Maren, was born this morning a little before 5 am mountain time. Mommy and baby are doing well, daddy is expected to recover. :) Maren weighs in at 8 lbs 7 oz.
Sis's water broke tonight around 7 or so...
OK< some people need help. I was at the gym tonight after work, and as I'm on the machines, I see something wierd. There's a girl on the stair machine, whose arms are so thin I could have put my hand around them. No bicep, no tricep, no NOTHING. Not just skinny, scary. So I look a little closer. She's probably mid twenties or so. She looks like she used to be pretty, except that her face now looks hollow. It's like she went from fat, right through phat, now she's at freak. Seriously anorexic. As I was looking at her, I saw she had pretty tight pants on, normally that's a fringe benefit for a guy at the gym... I can tell she is wearing a thong, but I can see the line from it quite clearly going down, all the way under her pelvis... All the way. It does not disapper between the cheeks, because there are no cheeks. Her ass is gone. She's pounding the stair machine into submission, then she goes over to the weight machines and start working her legs some more. I could tell from the tight pants that her legs were in the same shape as her arms. She looked like an ethiopian poster child. Holy shit! Has she started believeing the cosmo mags about how you have to be super thin? Have any of these people who publish those magazines ever asked a normal, average, straight guy what looks sexy? It ain't that, let me tell you! I used to run around a little with a girl who was really skinny... not this bad, but still too skinny. It is not nearly as much fun to have sex with girls like that, because there is nothing but bony painful spots where there should be graceful and intriguing curves. The best part of a woman is that she isn't a man! She should have curves, men shouldn't. If I thought that girls like that were sexy, I'd just hump a fence post - same effect. This chick had no curves at all. Straight line from shoulder to knee (except where there were bones sticking out.) I would not date a woman like that. I would not have sex with a woman like that. It's not natural, it's not right, it's not healthy. This chick that I was seeing back in the day got a little more meat on her bones, she grew some curves, and her boobs got bigger. She got sexier. This chick tonight at the gym, I don't think she will live much longer before the anorexia kills her.
So. No kid yet.
your sister must be getting really anxious to get this kid born. :) you a nervous unca??
You're alive! I was starting to wonder if you had been stolen away by aliens and returned to your home planet...
Actually, I'm here on your planet because I got kicked off my home world. They said I was too wierd for them.
Actually, I wasn't in the mood for blogging lately, I prefered to be alone in my contemplation. I think I'll stay back for a while.
As some of you may have noticed, I have not made a new post since the evening of Thursday, March third. I have been constantly updating that post as more news of the fallen has come out. I am in a state of shock and mourning, like many other Canadians are this week, given the events of last thursday.
I have so far not been able to bring together a post to put up here, but I will try to express myself now. Four young officers were murdered by a psychopath. They put on a uniform and accepted a number of risks which come with it, but that does not change the fact that they should be alive today. I could blow up now about the misuse of the charter by the courts, the inability of the general public to accept the world is a dangerous place, the inability of Parliament to enact laws with sufficient teeth to be a deterrent to crime, and the list goes on.
I could have been one of those four.
I have applied to the RCMP in the past, and very narrowly missed getting in. ‘That’ close. I should have applied again a few years ago, according to my father. He was probably right, but I wanted to get a few more of my ducks into a row. I have been directing all of my planning for the last 5 years into making myself a better candidate for the Force. I have been pursuing work opportunities that I think will make myself look better in the RCMP’s eyes. Everything has been pointed in that one direction.
I come from a policing background. My father was RCMP. Over 30 years before he retired, more or less unscathed – at least in the broader sense. I know the bond between all police officers. I share it too, in a form. I grew up around cops. Constantly exposed to the police culture at my father’s work and at home. I am not yet a member of that brotherhood, but I consider each and every man and woman who wears that uniform to be a brother.
I am basically the same age as all of them. Three of the four have lived in this city. I may have met some of them. Hell, when my dad was working for the RCMP he did the security/background investigation on one of them.
Fortune is a curious thing. I could have been standing there that morning. For whatever reason, my role in the grand scheme of things has yet to be played out. Maybe, hopefully, one day soon I will be among those who put on that uniform every day. I will have to accept the same risks as the four fallen Constables. I do not have a problem with those risks. However, I am reminded by this episode just how fragile and fleeting life is. If you are reading this, please do two things for me. First, call, write, email or visit the people you care about. Tell them how much you care about them and why. Right now. This is important – you just never know. One of you might not be around to hear or say it later. Second, next time you see a cop, even if it’s because you were speeding and got pulled over; thank them for doing their job. Shake their hand. It’s not something a cop hears as often as they deserve.
new link for me... for now :)
hullo?? you get lost or something?
Last night I had a dream about work again.
managing is never easy or glamorous. you hold people's lives in your hands. you can be evile or kind.
i generally have nightmares about work. i hate this place.
Yeah, I think about that when I am making up scheduled. One stroke of the pen and one person is going to the food bank and another is planning a vacation. Not an easy feeling to get used to. I have a business to run though, and I have to be accountable for the effecincy or inefficiency with which it operates. If a part time employee can't be availiable when we need them; or is only availiable when we don't need them, then they can't work. Tough to get used to.
um.. what;s up with that odd post from thursday march 3?
YAY! congrats, kyle!! i like that name, Maren. pretty. glad to hear your sis is doing well too! you must all be so happy!!
Hey! That's almost my name! giggle
Am I allowed to say that it's very unfair for you to tease us with a new baby post and then not update???